All About The Legal Torts

Car Accident Lawyer in Cherry Hill; Quality Representation

Jan 17

Working with a reliable and professional car accident lawyer Cherry Hill, NJ is one way to ensure you get that deserved compensation in Cherry Hill for your injuries and pain. And Keith Zaid Law is the go-to office to rely on for quality representation since we can help in the following ways.

Thoroughly Investigating Your Accident

You do not have to accept the police or accident report as the final answer regarding fault in a car accident. Hiring a car accident lawyer Cherry Hill will put a legal professional on task to investigate your case. We will preserve evidence, interview eyewitnesses, consult with experts, and establish a theory surrounding your specific situation.

Documenting Your Financial and Future Losses

Obtaining adequate compensation for car accident injuries is a cornerstone of these cases. Car accident lawyer Cherry Hill understands the laws regarding this aspect of personal injury, product liability, and wrongful death laws. In New Jersey, you can recuperate medical costs, lost work wages, pain and suffering, and illegal death benefits for survivors.

Providing Honest Information About Your Situation

At Keith Zaid Law, your attorney represents you, not the insurance company. As such, you will have a legal professional provide information and advice that benefits you. We can also address what you might expect from the claims process and what we think is a fair settlement offer or jury trial award. Communication and protection are vital aspects of the attorney-client relationship.

Meeting Administrative Requirements

When negotiating a settlement, your case may require several passes between the insurer and you before deciding. Letters, forms, and telephone calls become part of your claim record. Be sure that you are not making any errors since doing so can derail your settlement objectives.

Preparing for Settlement but Always Ready to File a Petition

When you hire a car accident lawyer Cherry Hill from Keith Zaid Law, we will document your case and preserve evidence. Doing so prepares you if your case must go to a civil jury trial. While most personal injury cases resolve outside of civil court, it is crucial to let the insurance company know that you mean business if they unfairly deny you the benefits they promised you per Georgia laws.

No Upfront Attorneys’ Fees

Due to the unique nature of personal injury cases, your car accident lawyer Cherry Hill from Keith Zaid Law will not charge you advance attorneys’ fees in most cases. Typically, we offer legal services on a contingency fee agreement. Rather than request an upfront payment, your attorney will assume a reasonable percentage of your civil award. They genuinely do not get paid for their services unless you win your case.

Keith Zaid Law
1937 Haddonfield-Berlin Rd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
(856) 485-4748