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Why you shouldn't put new Mulch over the old

Nov 29


Sometimes , we make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes can cost a lot of money and time. One of the mistakes that individuals make is placing new mulch on top of the old mulch on their garden or lawn. What happens? Your garden or lawn will be covered in old, dry, dead leaves which will only cause your own home to appear unattractive and will cost you quite a lot to get rid of.

When should you put fresh Mulch on your plants?

When you install new mulch, ensure to only put it over the existing mulch. The mulch that is placed on top of an existing layer of mulch will absorb water, and the plants will suffer. In addition, the new mulch will decompose faster than the old mulch. This could lead to unhealthy conditions for your plants.

When is the best time to put fresh mulch around your plants? This is a difficult question to answer because it's all dependent on the plants and your garden. There are however some general guidelines that can aid you in deciding when it's time to add new mulch to your garden:

1. Examine the condition of your Plants If your plants are in poor health, they may not be able to tolerate additional nutrients or moisture from fresh mulch. In this situation, taking away the old mulch and replacing it with fresh material may be the best solution.

2. Be aware of the conditions of your Garden. According to the soil type and the climate your garden could require different amounts of fertilizer and water each season. It is possible to ensure that your plants are receiving the correct nutrients by monitoring their condition and making changes as needed.

3. Keep an Eye on Mulch Waste Mulching is not only a good idea because it assists in keeping gardens tidy, it also protects plants from harsh weather conditions and also from erosion. If there's enough mulch to completely cover the soil each year, excess waste (including leaves and twigs) will not cause issues. However, if the weather conditions alter (droughts for instance) and the accumulation of waste increases in time, it might be necessary to eliminate any or all current mulch layer in order to protect the rootsystems beneath.

How do you make new mulch for your garden

If you're like the majority of gardeners, you occasionally find yourself gardening in your backyard during a hot summer day and wishing you had some method of cooling the soil. Mulch is a fantastic option to cool the garden and help you feel easier to work in the heat.

Mulch is composed of decomposing vegetation or leaves that have been covered by dirt or other materials. Mulch is a great way to stop soil erosion, hold in moisture and deter weeds. A good mulch can also bring colour and interest to your garden landscape.

Here are some important things to remember when selecting the right mulch for your garden.

Mulch shouldn't be heavy to suffocate plants, but light enough to retain moisture and minimize weed growth.

Mulch should be porous enough to let water in.

Mulch should have substances that take a long time to break down (leaf compost is an alternative);

- Mulch should be replaced every 2 to 3 years to guarantee optimal results.

How Long Will New Mulch Last?

After you have laid the mulch, you should wait for at least two weeks before watering an area treated with herbicides or insecticides. The mulch will hold in moisture and keep weeds from growing. It is possible to water as often as you need after two weeks.

Pros and Pros and

There are many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to using old mulch instead of new mulch.

Old mulch can provide a variety of advantages. It can conserve soil moisture and help reduce watering. Old mulch can help to keep weeds under control, and improve soil fertility.

However, there are negatives to using old mulch. It isn't easy to get rid of old mulch once it has become contaminated or becomes wet and rotted. The old mulch may also turn thick and muddy in places which receive a lot of rainfall. This can cause drainage issues.


Putting new mulch over older mulch can have a detrimental effect on the lawn, and is something you should never do without consulting an experienced landscaper. It will not only make your lawn appear dry and patchy, but can also cause erosion. An experienced landscaper can help you determine the ideal Mulch for your particular needs in case you're worried about the health of your lawn.

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