All About The Legal Torts

Why You Should Hire a Family Law Attorney in Thailand

Mar 23

Family quarrels are not pleasant. But when they turn into legal disputes, you need a professional to help.

When you are seeking a Thailand divorce lawyer, you need to hire someone who has the necessary expertise. You also need to make sure that your divorce is done correctly so that you do not get into any trouble with the law.

Prenuptial Agreements in Thailand

Prenuptial agreements in Thailand are important documents for couples who are planning to marry. They help protect the assets and properties of both partners prior to marriage, and they can also provide for spousal and child support in case of divorce.

It is a legal requirement in Thailand for a prenuptial agreement to be registered at the same time as the marriage. This can help prevent disputes and ensure that the terms of the prenuptial are upheld in a divorce.

A prenuptial agreement in Thailand can also protect one partner from inheriting debts incurred by their spouse-to-be. This can be especially important if the partner has a weak financial background or significant debt.

In addition to protecting the assets of a couple, a prenuptial agreement can also help reduce the stress of a divorce. It can make the process of dividing property and assets easier by setting out provisions that guarantee a minimum yet fair share of the combined assets.

If you are considering a prenuptial agreement in Thailand, contact an experienced family law attorney to ensure that your document is legally binding in both Thailand and your home country. This can help to give you the best protection for your assets and investments, and it will also save you money in the long run.

Marriage Registration a Legal Requirement

If you’re planning a Thai wedding you’ll need to register the marriage in order for it to be recognized as legal. This is a process that requires a lot of paperwork, so it’s best to consult with a licensed lawyer to ensure everything is done properly.

The main reason for marriage registration is to make sure that the couple’s relationship and property are governed by the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. This is a complicated set of laws that deals with all aspects of family and marriage in Thailand.

Getting married in Thailand is relatively simple but it does take some time and effort. Obtaining an affidavit of freedom to marry and presenting it to the district office is one of the first things that you’ll need to do.

A prenuptial agreement is also a must-have for any couple who plans to get married in Thailand. This will protect the couple in terms of their assets and prevent future disputes.

Once the couple has completed the required documentation and obtained an affidavit of freedom from their embassy, they can head to the marriage registration office. Both parties will need to present their passports and the affirmation certificate, along with any supporting documents. The registrar will then issue the marriage certificate.

Lawyers Assist with all Aspects of Divorce

There are many aspects of divorce that require legal advice, ranging from pre-marital agreements to the division of assets and alimony. It is important to obtain expert advice from a lawyer who is familiar with the laws governing divorce in Thailand and your home country.

Divorce is a highly complex legal matter that requires careful consideration and preparation of evidence. It is essential to hire a lawyer who understands the Thai divorce process and can assemble your case for presentation in front of the court.

A family law attorney in Thailand can assist with all aspects of the divorce process, including a Thai divorce settlement agreement. This can include child custody, alimony, and division of assets.

In most cases, a couple can obtain an administrative divorce (also known as a “consensual” or “uncontested” divorce) at the District Office where they were married. This process is a little faster than a court-ordered divorce and requires the parties to sign a divorce settlement agreement.

A contested divorce involves a court hearing and is generally more costly than a consensual administrative divorce. It requires proof of grounds for divorce under Thailand law, such as adultery, abuse, or abandonment. It also has jurisdictional requirements that are different from an administrative divorce, such as the residency of the parties and the location where the ground for divorce supposedly occurred.