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Lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona to Help You with Criminal Law

Sep 24

Hiring a criminal lawyer can be difficult. There are so many lawyers in Phoenix, AZ. How do you know which one is the right one for you? We have created this blog post to help make your search easier. Here we will review some of the most popular lawyers in Phoenix and give our thoughts on their strengths and weaknesses.

The Different Types of Crimes and Penalties

Depending on the severity of your crime, you may be charged with anything from a misdemeanor to a felony. You could be imprisoned for up to five years at a sentencing time or placed in the county jail until trial, where the judge will decide how long you need to stay there. A jury can also sentence someone convicted of a felony (punishable by more than one year of imprisonment) and some misdemeanors. These penalties include fines, probation, community service work hours, and even prison sentences of less than ten years but vary depending on what type of charge they were found guilty of by a criminal defense attorney in Phoenix.

How to Find the Right Lawyer for Your Case 

Talk to your friends and family for recommendations of a criminal lawyer Phoenix they know in Phoenix, Arizona. Visit the Better Business Bureau website to see if there are any reviews about lawyers that you’re considering interviewing. Ask the criminal defense attorney Phoenix what all their experience includes. Find out which areas of law they specialize in, such as immigration or tax laws. You may also want to find out how often they handle cases similar to yours before deciding who is right for your case.

Who Needs a Criminal Defense Attorney?

Suppose you are charged with a crime, such as DUI or domestic violence in Phoenix, Arizona. You need someone who understands the law and can help defend your rights. A criminal defense attorney in Phoenix will be able to advise on what steps to take next for you. A qualified attorney may fight against charges from police officers accusing individuals of crimes that they did not commit, including child abuse, assault, murder, drug trafficking, etc.

What Is an Actual Innocence Project and Why It's Important

The Actual Innocence Project provides pro bono legal and investigative services to individuals who may have been wrongly convicted of crimes. The project has exonerated over 300 people in the United States, is staffed by a handful of post-conviction relief lawyer Phoenix (including Wilkerson) and perennial law students, and operates on donations from supporters as well as several foundations. In addition to their conviction-review work, they also operate an innocence museum that houses exhibits created with photographs contributed by exonerees photographs meant to offer proof not just of wrongful convictions but also how cruel such punishments can be for those wrongfully imprisoned.

Ferragut Law | Phoenix Criminal Defense Attorneys
2 N Central Ave suite #1725, Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602) 324-5300