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Miami Accident Attorney: Your Miami injury law expert

Sep 23

Accidents happen, and when they do, the last thing you want to do is worry about how it will affect your life. That's where an accident attorney in Miami, FL can help. Whether you've been injured in a car accident or by someone else's negligence, our attorneys are here to help you get back on your feet. We understand that accidents change lives, and we're committed to helping people deal with those changes as quickly and easily as possible in Miami.

What's the difference between negligence and criminal intent

Wrongful death cases are usually criminal and not negligence. Negligence is the legal term for when someone's carelessness or recklessness causes injury to a person or their property. Criminal intent means that the perpetrator knew what they were doing was wrong, but it doesn't matter if you're aware of something dangerous happening around you - if you intentionally cause another person harm, there will be consequences.

An accident attorney in Miami can help determine which type of case you fall under.

  • - The difference between negligence and criminal intent
  • - What an accident attorney Miami does
  • - How we can help in your situation (what all our attorneys specialize in)
  • - When accidents happen: how they change lives

How does an accident lawyer help you after a car wreck or other injury?

We know that accidents change lives, and we're committed to helping people deal with those changes as quickly and easily as possible. An accident lawyer in Miami will help determine whether a wrongful death suit is appropriate for your case or if it's being caused by negligence instead of criminal intent - what our attorneys specialize in. Once the cause has been determined, they'll work on getting compensation from any responsible parties who can pay.

When is it time to hire legal counsel for your Miami injury case?

When you're in a Miami accident and need a Miami attorney for car accidents, it's best to contact one as soon as possible. Going through the legal process by yourself can be overwhelming and difficult - our attorneys are here to help make things easier for you. We'll start with gathering any evidence we can find of what happened at the scene that led up to your injury or death, then work on building a case against all responsible parties who might be able to pay damages for your losses.

The consequences of not having representation in court - what could happen if I don't have a Miami personal injury attorney 

There are a lot of good reasons to hire an accident attorney in Miami. If you don't have representation in court, you're more likely to be taken advantage of or not receive any compensation for your losses - and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The consequences will vary depending on what type of case it is, but if someone else was at fault in your injury, then they should pay for their mistake even if you were partially responsible because being negligent is still legal responsibility. A wrongful death suit can happen as either criminal negligence or carelessness; when this happens, people who might be liable (such as family members) may try to make things easier by offering a settlement with money instead of going through a trial. Your attorney will explain the risks of accepting a settlement and help you make an informed decision.

Law Office of Irwin Ast
2121 SW 3rd Ave #401, Miami, FL 33129
(305) 307-5208